Street Smart
Sauerpuss and Krauthammer using Baby Driver for help soliciting charity from passersby in July 2021. Opinionated, yes. Street smart, no. No alms were received but experience was learned. Next time, they won’t start drinking at 10AM and Krauthammer will cover his goldenlocks.
I have traditionally thought of street smarts as superior to book smarts. And why not? Look at what success means and what is often behind its achievement. In America, money is success. The most lucrative (on average) occupation… sales. (BTW… this is not researched at all, just my krautfeels). Sales is all about street smarts. So is corporate life (to our own detriment). Success in America is more about reading a room than reading a book. By this acknowledgement, we can all agree that street smarts is superior.
But what if…
… the streets change.
Street smarts are evolving at fast fashion speeds right now. 50 years ago, a street smart man would be well within the room’s boundaries to objectify the secretary. 20 years ago, a street smart man would be someone who accepted gays as equals. Today, a street smart man has changed his gender to identify as a street smart woman. What I’m getting at here is that street smart ain’t much more than trendy. All those street smart non-binary white-guilters sucking up today’s oxygen have a hard road ahead, because trends don’t last.
So what then? Book smart? Street smart? There must be something else to measure a person’s acumen or worth…
Without much thought, I propose the next level is something to do with friendship. Afterall, show me a person with many friends and you’ll show me a successful human. Let’s call this type of intelligence, heart smart. Someone who follows the most basic and human thing in us all, our hearts. Grow your heart, grow your friends and friendships, grow your smarts.
- Krauthammer
Disclaimer: is not currently, never has been, nor claimed to be, all about the Framers.
Heard on the street: “I’m for freedom dude, for liberty, you know, democracy! That’s why all these crazy redneck red states making all these new laws need to be STOPPED immediately.”
Also heard on the street: “Pfft it’s like everything else, let the free market decide. I don’t see why the government would ever get involved with hard drugs, or guns for that matter. Let the people in the open market determine what flies!”
We the people, are ignorant. And neither the left nor the right has a monopoly on feeble-minded ideas. The statements above were both uttered by the savviest and most informed of their respective friend groups, and were delivered with the utmost confidence. And whether we like it or not, the people, for lack of a better term, have risen. Individuals who a century ago would be simple cogs in the industrial machine, assembly line drones living in cold-water flats and shitting in the dark with hardly enough sauerkraut to keep their digestive juices flowing – this same gene pool, now has a voice. And they ain’t book smart, no sir, they have something far better: Street Smarts, by golly. The kind of wits that could get you out of a real pickle. And ironically, we’re in one – let’s see if we can extricate ourselves.
I used to ask a simple question: when we elect a representative, are we electing a leader who should seek with their elevated vision to guide us (the “People”); or are we electing a mouthpiece, someone to take the true pulse of the People and effect our collective will via the legislature? It’s as complex as a Williamsburg Brooklyn chef’s recipe for Thai curry Sauerkraut, and to be honest, I haven’t completely answered it. What I do know is that both the information going IN to the people as well as the digested ideas being shat OUT are of a volume only comparable to the great Bavarian inter-war glut of sauerkraut (circa 1921-1928, aka “Heinrich’s Holy Harvest).
Here’s a hot take: Democracy is dangerous. Although it’s a ubiquitously positive buzzword these days, our forefathers (yes, including the Framers!) knew that the tempers of the masses needed to be dampened by the system. Pure democracy is nearly chaos. So it was said that the Senate was the cool saucer to the piping hot teacup of the House of Reps. WE are the TEA! And right now dis Chai bout to melt your lips off, bebey. Like a healthy cube of ice, I believe the right presidential candidate could just be the perfect addition, and just in time for MDW. My suggestion: the greatest rapper slash actor of all time: Ice Cube! His VP, yes you called it, Ice-T, the second greatest rapper slash actor of all time. Sorry Tone Loc, we’ll find a spot in the Cabinet for you.
This is nonsense,